Bot citizen?

Considering my love of mud, I find it fascinating that I spend most of my time venting about AI/bots. But… my favorite policy organization lately - Alliance for a Green Economy - is organizing to get New York to divest from building new natural gas lines and Invest in energy efficiency, heat pumps, etc.

And, it turns out, last year, the fossil fuel companies had bots call our state representatives and constituency?!?

robot power: mass, automated robocalls full of pre-recorded disinformation designed to scare constituents and legislators into opposing cleaner heat and lower bills.”

Go here to find “the tools we need to remind our representatives that whatever corporations and robots want, the people of New York will not let another year go by without cleaner heat and lower bills.

  • Last year, we learned that just 50 robot-induced anti-HEAT Act calls were enough to scare legislators. Which is good. Because when at least 50 of us call back with real people power, we'll remind everyone that grassroots beats astroturf every time.

  • So use our easy call tool to do it! All you have to do is enter your info, and you'll receive a call that tells you what to do (note: the first call will be dialed right away, so have your script ready, and make sure to stay on the line for all three calls to maximize effectiveness!)”

Or join in on March 13 in Albany.


False of True.


Compounding Cultural Interest (3%)