The gRift—a gift that requests a Response

Partial image of a Chestertown, Maryland mud painting under a diagram of the biosphere from a thermodynamic perspective by A. J. B. Zehnder & W. Stumm (1988). “Geochemistry and biogeochemistry of anaerobic habitats”. In A. J. B. Zehnder (Ed.), Biology of anaerobic microorganisms (pp. 1-38).

The gRift (in active development) is a participatory art project where Jenifer Wightman gifts mud painting to 25 visionary Thinkers in the hopes that she will be able to harvest 25 Responses from these Thinkers. Invitations to participate will be sent out in 2023.

What is a ‘mud painting’?

mud painting aestheticizes a technique developed by a 19th century Ukrainian soil biologist, Sergei Winogradsky. A "Winogradsky Column" is a clear column that holds water saturated soil (mud); if exposed to light, the microbes that are native to that sample photosynthesize pigment. As the microbes proliferate, their microbial pigments can also proliferate. With sufficient growth the pigmented communities become visible to the human eye and we can witness an evolving colorfield 'painting' as microbial mozaics rise and fall across their landscape. The pigments are an indicator to watch the transformation of biological life within the finite column of soil, water, and sunlight.

Who is invited to play The gRift?

Well, all kinds of thinkers and do-ers: poets, astrobiologists, social justice activists, critical theorists, economists, anarchists, international lawyers, ecologists. Who knows who is going to be netted by this conceptual swindle!?

Want to suggest someone to invite?

Fill out this google form, here.

FAQs for the Invitees

Visit the FAQ blog post for responses to these questions and more.

  • What is the process for Installation?

  • How will the mud painting be displayed?

  • How do I care for a mud painting?

  • What is my responsibility for providing a ‘Response’?

  • When will it be installed?

The Goal?

Microbes are the oldest inhabitants on Earth; they have an extraordinary capacity for industry, economy, niche exploration, adaptation, innovation, and resource sharing. Plus they are the first painters! This project hopes to spotlight their process (of vibrantly living on planet earth for over 2 billion years) in a playful and celebratory exchange structure.

  • First and foremost this is a Thank You to thinkers I admire for their contribution to our world of understanding. 

  • Second, this project attempts to bring the mud processes into these thinkers’ field of view to harvest their thoughts!

  • Third, the collected ‘Responses’ from these thinkers will be compiled into a network of objects for relational thinking (gallery shows, presentations, panels, essays, TBD).

  • Fourth, if I pull off this heist, I hope the results of this eccentrically-formed congress might help us re-imagine our relationship to life and landscape.

This gift is a grift that re-gifts to other grifters.

My hope.

The mud is thought provoking; In looking small I hope we can think big, individually and together, and craft more equitable systems of belonging.

The touch.

This earnestly transparent multi-directional heist is trying to get at something deeply buried in the mesmerizingly ‘civilized’ financial grift that touches all of our souls. Donate here, if you would like to help me get down in the dirt.