Bot Cons!

AI has done it again!

Notably this message voluntarily arrived to my email just this week by a new ‘news’ source - so perhaps this is even bot news!

Quoting from “Anna Eisenberg” (, 113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205)

“Artificial Intelligence(AI), the wonderchild of the tech world, is now a slick con-artist hoodwinking honest citizens, according to Forbes.

Fraudsters are using AI to craft eerily perfect scam texts, replicating voices, and even putting faces on videos in a chilling display of digital doppelgängering.

Apparently, banking customers are falling for these scams more frequently, as AI-generated messages are devoid of classic scammer-isms like poor grammar and sketchy phrasing.

In 1989, Forbes reported how printers and PCs were used to forge checks. Today, AI advances could render high-tech fraud prevention measures, like voice authentication and "liveness checks" useless.

While the rest of us are scratching our heads trying to understand the difference between Siri and Alexa, some tech-savvy tricksters are using AI to run a fraud-a-palooza.”


Compounding Cultural Interest (3%)
