
Little Hell Gate Salt Marsh, NY, NY 2014


Corten Steel, white maple, glass, silicone, Randall's Island mud & water, eggs, newspaper, chalk

View, is a public bench that frames both the human industry of the Manhattan skyline and the microbial industry of Randall’s Island Park’s Little Hell Gate Inlet salt marsh. The site will contain unique microbial populations that will make a site-specific painting. Bacteria are model systems studied by microbiologists and offer much insight into our own cellular operation. Additionally, because bacteria can divide every twenty minutes, they also provide an observable model system for us to contemplate how patterns of reproduction, consumption, and waste have feedback on the very ecosystem upon which the culture depends. In this pairing of the micro and the macro world, a viewer may rest and contemplate how microbial cultures synthesize and recycle life within a finite ecosystem.

Blog for this installation on Randall's Island

Photographs by Benjamin Heller


Portraits of New York City


Moorestown, NJ